My first paid venture as a Software Developer was a website shop, I had no name for it, but would sell online websites built with HTML (version 3.2 and soon the updated version 4.01), CSS (version 2), and JavaScript (version ES3). The tools needed to build it were Notepad, Microsoft FrontPage and later Macromedia Dreamweaver. Those were my first years building code that would run on IE5, IE6 and sometimes on Netscape or Opera.
Although the tools, standards, frameworks and patterns had evolved A LOT in the last 20 years there is one thing that did not changed and that is one of the lessons I’ve learned as a software developer:
Code is made by people for people.
One of the most important tools you have to keep relevant after 20 years and understand the different aspects is follow people that are shaping the future of the industry and engage into discussions and collaboration so yourself will also take part on building the future, that is why I want to share 12 profiles I recommend to follow on Twitter from people I follow and share great content.
1. Dan Abramov
@dan_abramov: I didn’t make @reactjs • Please ask technical questions on GitHub issues rather than in mentions • http://JustJavaScript.com • he/him
2. Henri Helvetica
@HenriHelvetica: dev, devilry, design, denim & #devsWhoRun. @ToWebPerf/@JAMstackTORONTO curator. creator of @RapperTurnedDev.
3. Joel Denning
@Joelbdenning: #BlackLivesMatter. JavaScript enthusiast. Author of single-spa, maintainer of SystemJS. Independent consultant (hire me!)
4. Justin Fagnani
@justinfagnani Web components, lit-html & LitElement with the Polymer Project at Google. Views all mine.
5. Kevin Kreuzer
@kreuzercode: @GoogleDevExpert in #Angular, #blogger, #Javascript enthusiast. Writer for @AngularInDepth.
6. Lauren Stephenson
@CompSciLauren: Software Engineer. Interned @CernerEng. Open Sourcerer. Tech blogger. 1st Gen CS Major Dec 2020. Plant parent. JavaScript, React, a11y, UX, Git. She/Her
7. Manfred Steyer
@ManfredSteyer: Speaker, Trainer, Consultant and Author with focus on Angular. Google Developer Expert (GDE) and Microsoft MVP.
8. Steve Kinney
@stevekinney: Frontend architect: @twilio && @sendgrid; organizer: @dinosaur_js; author: http://bit.ly/electronjs; instructor: @frontendmasters; formerly: @turingschool.
9. Tobias Koppers
@wSokra: founder of webpack – webpack core team
10. Tomas Trajan
@tomastrajan: Maker @releasebutler & Medium Stats http://bit.ly/2DabniF – Co-organizer of @AngularZurich Meetup
11. Zack Jackson
@ScriptedAlchemy: Principal Engineer @lululemon. Maintainer of @webpack & co-creator of #ModuleFederation, Universal, mini-css. #Distributed#JavaScript#Orchestration at scale.
12. Felipe Plets
Yes, I feel I couldn’t leave myself out from this list 🙂
@felipeplets: Tech Lead | Software Developer | Podcaster | Vegan | Cat dad | Writer | Speaker. Views are my own.
I hope you have enjoyed the list and you start following some of the people I’ve mentioned. Let me know if you like it and feel free to recommend the developers you follow that are making the difference too.